Canvass Map


We've made it super easy to get involved with One Future actions across the country!

Find a climate canvass near you (Purple Pins)
Find a hustings  - where you can ask candidates questions (Yellow Pins)
Find a materials hub - where you can pick up leaflets and stickers.  (Green Pins)
You want to join a canvass? Just click on the pin on the map, RSVP and send the canvass lead an email or a text to let them know you'll be joining!
Theres no canvass near you? Sign up to organise one, we'll support you along the way and send you everything you need!
You're running a canvass or hustings thats not on the map? Add it to the canvass schedule here and we'll be in touch with support!


Have you completed a canvass? Record the details here!



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